Question 1: Should I choose Oral or Poster presentation? Answer: Some scholars prefer to presenting their research results using PowerPoint (PPT) slides in person, while certain scholars like illustrating their research results by Posters. We prefer that you should choose oral presentation if you are attending the conference in person. However, if you cannot attend the conference in person for some reasons, you are encouraged to present Via Skype using the poster presentation.

Question 2: Is it possible to apply for any subsidy or financial support from the conference? Answer: Registration fee is used to cover all conference operation costs. As you know, it is very expensive to hold an international conference while maintaining quality service to all participants. Therefore, all conference participants including conference chairs, advisory committee members, international committee members, session chairs, and workshop chairs have to pay the registration fee.

Question 3: If I submit two papers (one is single authored and another is multiple authored) to this conference, how much I need to pay? Answer: No matter the paper is single authored or multiple authored, each paper must be paid by at least one author as long as you like to have the paper to be published. You will get the discount on 2nd paper only if you are the first author in both articles.

Question 4: When can I receive the receipt of registration fee? Answer: Each attendee will receive a package (including conference program, proceedings, payment receipt, presentation certificate, and so one) in front of the check-in counter at the conference site. That is, as other conferences do, every participant will receive the payment receipt when attending the conference. As you know, the consumers will receive the accommodation invoice after paying the hotel fees, the customers will receive the purchasing certificate from the airline company after purchasing the airline ticket, the authors will receive the acceptance letter after submitting their papers and passing the review process, and the participants will receive the registration fee’s receipt after paying the registration fee.